Matt Bogosian

Matt Bogosian

Builder of Products


In my experience, two personalities pervade most cooperative efforts: owners and employees. I am an owner. I can’t help it. It’s in my DNA.

At my core, I am a product engineer. I’ve been coding since junior high. But building software to meet a diverse set of (sometimes mutually exclusive) customer needs is what I love.

I am innately curious and instinctively strive for deep understanding. If one finds me lying awake at night, or zoning out in the shower, it’s most likely because I am immersed in a difficult puzzle. I am partial to Greenleaf’s ideas on “servant leadership” and Covey’s deconstruction of trust. I’m also aware of the vigilance required to realize those ideas in the workplace.

As a licensed patent attorney, I can also help identify and file patents for the technologies I help invent and build. I can also hire, mentor, and assist with licensing and other deal-making.


  • 20+ years building software in a diverse set of environments with a focus on leading small, nimble teams
  • Scaling and distributed design
  • Blockchain
  • Python (Twisted, Django, etc.)
  • Experience with Java, Go, TypeScript, JavaScript (jQuery, React), C/C++
  • Linux, Nginx, Apache, MySQL
  • Licensed patent attorney
  • Trained mediator
  • Armchair economist


CTO / Lead Developer Veritaseum, Inc.

Veritaseum, Inc., 2014-2016

Design and implement Blockchain-based swaps service and API (Python, Twisted, Cyclone, Nginx, MySQL, Docker, Linux). Build out and lead R&D team in a globally-distributed work environment for developing user apps around swaps service and API (React, Flux, JavaScript, Heroku, Java, bitcoinj, Swing). Oversee development of company’s intellectual property portfolio. Collaborate on fundraising, product development, and many other aspects of growing the business.

Patent Attorney / Resident Geek

LaRiviere, Grubman PC, 2012-2014

Drafted and prosecuted patent applications (claims construction, specification development and refinement, responses to office actions, examiner interviews). Evaluated inventor disclosures for patentable material. Assisted with software design and development where appropriate. Assisted with appeals, infringement evaluations, enforcement evaluations, cease and desist letters, trial strategies, etc.

Contract Software Engineer


Contracted part time to perform web application development and marketing for various concerns, including Ducati North America, Inc. and Sendside Networks, Inc. (Java, Python, Django, Google App Engine, PHP, Perl, Ruby, Chef, Linux). This afforded flexibility to accept several law-related internships, finish law school, and pass the California and USPTO bar exams.

Senior Software Architect Shop MA, Inc.

Shop MA, Inc., 2006-2008

Architected expanded Lucene-based search and discovery infrastructure for retail site covering over 10M products (Lucene, Tomcat, Java, Linux, Microsoft SQL Server).

Led design and implementation of SEM keyword bidding system responsible for approximately one third of company’s gross revenues (Java, Microsoft SQL Server). System was responsible for monitoring 3M active keywords, with 500k daily updates on Google, Yahoo, and MSN. Scaled to approximately 30M keywords with 10M daily updates as needed.

Senior Engineer Yahoo, Inc.

Yahoo, Inc., 2005-2006

Maintained and improved Yahoo’s back-end RSS storage and retrieval system (C/C++, Perl, Python, MySQL, Linux). Brought system closer to internal Business Continuity Planning (BCP) compliance by implementing dual-master failover solution including internal publication of several utilities leveraged by other teams throughout company. Oversaw 24/7 support of database back-end portion of system.

Oversaw company-wide operations and maintenance of existing 300+-machine Databus installation including provisioning of new machines as needed. Managed transition of development and operations of Databus to team in Bangalore.

Lead Software Engineer

Solus Biosystems, Inc., 2004-2005

Led software development for high-throughput device to measure secondary conformational changes in proteins for a bay area Biotech startup. Interfaced with hardware and science teams as well as customers to produce and place beta units with key organizations. Designed and implemented networking, data sampling, storage, and analysis solutions for device (C#, Java, C/C++, Python, Linux). Assisted in patenting of several key technologies. Set up and maintained technical infrastructure for development.

CTO / Lead Developer / Co-Founder

Arena Unlimited, Inc., 2002-2004

Created and refined business idea for enabling virtual asset management in online video games.

Founded and led company through initial product development and initial angel funding. Oversaw creation and ongoing maintenance of company budget and financial forecasts. Identified relevant intellectual property. Oversaw and participated in hiring of technical staff and appointing of advisory board members. Designed and implemented product prototype (Python, PHP, XHTML, CSS, Apache, MySQL, Linux). Responsible for all product and project management during prototype development.

Advised and informed technology patent strategy. Explored networking opportunities for licensing/acquisition.

Senior Technologist (Software Engineer)

Grand Central Communications, Inc., 2000-2002

Designed and implemented core message router component for enterprise-level messaging technology (J2EE, JMS, Tomcat, Apache, Oracle DB, Linux). Engaged in pre-sales meetings with customers. Implemented technical demos and rapid extension of core product to meet customer demand. Periodically represented company in trade shows and other technical public forums for customer education and product evangelism.

Lead Software Engineer, Inc., Inc., 1999-2000

Integrated payments product into auctions, zShops, and Sotheby's applications. Maintained and improved existing product components. Designed and implemented fraud detection architecture and XML-over-HTTP API (C/C++, Linux, Oracle DB, Solaris). Worked extensively with Amazon’s IP attorneys to patent MICR-line parsing algorithm developed at, Inc.

At, Inc. (acquired by, Inc. in June of 1999):

Designed and implemented scheduled event processing and credit card charging components of person-to-person payments product (Perl, Apache, Oracle DB, Linux, Solaris). Invented MICR-line parsing algorithm for use in obtaining a user's bank account information for e-check transfers.

Software Engineer / QA Engineer Be, Inc.

Be, Inc., 1996-1999

Took over development of the BeOS Installer and DriveSetup applications (C/C++, BeOS). Improved partitioning mechanism and interface for DriveSetup. Conducted user- and developer-level testing of the kernel and Application Server of the BeOS.


Bachelor of Science, Computer Science Columbia University

Columbia University, New York, 1998

Software Engineering with Alfred V. Aho (the “A” in awk). Machine Learning with Eric Siegel. Cast, 104th Varsity Show. Attack, men’s lacrosse.


  • Economics and markets as a study of human behavior
  • Dispute resolution and nonviolent communication
  • Civil liberties